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Showing posts with the label GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Q&A

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 354

General Knowledge Q1  Miso a traditional Japanese cooking ingredient is what  Soybean Paste Q2  What is mosquitoes main food  Nectar from flowers Q3  What is the most common name in the Bible  Zachariah

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 353

General Knowledge Q1  What is the most common breeding bird in the US  Red Winged Blackbird Q2  Potatoes were fist sold as what  Ornamental Plants Q3  In what language was The Communist Manifesto written  German

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 352

General Knowledge Q.1  What creature is the symbol of Bacardi  Bat Q2  Who wrote Heart of Darkness  Joseph Conrad Q3  In Shakespeare's Hamlet what herb is said to be for remembrance  Rosemary

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 351

General Knowledge Q.1  Name Australia's highest mountain  Mount Kosciusko Q2  What colour is malachite  Brown Q3  Who won the first Oscar for a musical in 1943  James Cagney

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 350

General Knowledge Q.1  John Quincy Adams was the only US president to do what ? Marry a non American woman Q. 2  Who cut off Samson's Hair (King James Edition) ? An Unnamed Man Q.3  Who was the first woman to win an Oscar best actress 1928 ? Janet Gaynor Q.4  What Sanskrit word means great king ? Maharaja Q.5  Novel gave Hemmingway nick speaker of the lost generation ? The Sun Also Rises Q.6  What is the name on fake credit cards ? J L Webb Q.7  What did Benjamin Franklin claim as his trade ? Printer Q.8  Which US state gets the most overseas visitors ? California – Florida second Q.9  What is a wood pussy ? Slang for skunk Q.10  Who wrote the epic poem Samson Agonites ? John Milton ✵✵✵ ⚡ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SET 349 [PREV] ⚡ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SET 351  [NEXT] ✵✵✵

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 349

General Knowledge Q.1  Who was The Little Playful One ? Pocahontas Q.2  Where was Freddie Mercury born ? Zanzibar Q.3  What was the name of Thomas Jefferson's home ? Montecello

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 348

General Knowledge Q. 1  What is a dhoti An Indian male ? loincloth Q.2  In Heraldry what is a mullet ? A Star Q.3  FINA is the governing body of what amateur sport ? Swimming

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 347

General Knowledge Q.1  Beveley Hills Cop was Eddie Murphy but who was it intended for ? Sylvester Stallone Q.2  What is the literal meaning of Kangaroo ? I don’t understand Q.3  A digitabulist collects what ? Thimbles

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 346

General Knowledge Q.1  Who had a no 1 Album 60s 70s 80s 90s ? Barbara Strisand Q.2  What was Spencer Tracy's last film ? Guess whose coming to dinner Q.3  Who was the third and favourite son of David in Old Testament ? Absolom

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 345

General Knowledge Q.1  Complete the Quote "Alas! Poor Yorick! I knew him, ?"  Horatio Q.2  What colour is caffeine ? White powder Q.3  Who wrote the first song "Come On" Rolling Stones recorded 63 ? Chuck Berry

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 344

General Knowledge Q.1  What does AMSTRAD stand for ? Alan Michael Sugar Trading Q.2  St Sithney is the Patron Saint of what ? Mad Dogs Q.3  What was Super Mario's original name ? Jumperman

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 343

General Knowledge Q.1  In ancient India how were dead parents traditionally disposed of ? Eaten by offspring as a sign of respect Q.2  Phalacrophobia is the fear of what ? Going Bald Q.3  Humans lose 27 what a day ? Moulted Pubic Hairs

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 342

General Knowledge Q.1  Who wrote the 1994 biography "Princess in Love" ? Anna Pasternak Q.2  Clemantine Campbell became famous under what name ? Cleo Lane Q.3  An Ortaline is a cross between what two items ? Tangerine - Orange Q.4  What US state is the magnolia state ? Mississippi Q.5  The Glis Glis was fattened and eaten by the Romans what is it ? Edible Dormouse Q.6  72% of what country is covered by forest ? Finland Q.7  What was Woody Allen's first film as writer/actor ? What's New Pussycat Q.8  On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted ? Pin Heads Q.9  What city used to be known as Bytown ? Ottawa Q.10  Mare Nostrum was the Roman name for what ? Mediterranean Sea (Our Sea) ✵✵✵ ⚡ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SET 341 [PREV] ⚡ GENERAL KNOWLEDGE SET 343 [NEXT] ✵✵✵

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 341

General Knowledge Q.1  International dialling codes what county is 20 ? Egypt Q.2  What US states name means long river in Indian ? Connecticut Q. 3  What country has the most elephants ? Tanzania

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 340

General Knowledge Q.1  What is the state tree of Idaho ? White Pine Q.2  Who is the adopted son of Vito Corleone ? Tom Hagan Q.3  What was the name of the first presidential aircraft ? Sacred Cow

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 339

General Knowledge Q.1  In 1929 the first what happened on an aircraft ? Birth Q. 2  What is the name of the second highest mountain in Africa ? Mount Kenya Q. 3  Who would use a Syllabary ? Arabs - their alphabet

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 338

General Knowledge Q.1  What product uses the most silver ? Camera Film Q.2  What was the former name of the Chrysler Corporation ? Maxwell Motors Q.3  In the Bible who was the father of Abraham ? Terah

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 337

General Knowledge Q.1  Japanese hi tec toilets auto wipe buts using what ? Lasers Q.2  In Greek legend who turned men into swine ? Circe Q.3  After California what US state produces the most wine ? New York

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 336

General Knowledge Q.1  What country consumes the most tea per capita ? Ireland Q.2  In Australia what is a Willy-Willy ? Whirlwind Q.3 Table Tennis competitions only two coloured balls allowed what ? White and Yellow

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 335

General Knowledge Q.1  What colour Tuesday did the Rolling Stones sing about 1977 ? Ruby Q.2  What is the extinct animal Megantheron better known as ? Sabre Toothed Tiger Q.3  Harvey Lee Yeary II became famous under what name ? Lee Majors