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General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 300

General Knowledge Q. 1  International Airline Registrations OO is what country  ? Belgium Q. 2  What vegetable was considered a cure for sex problems in old Egypt  ? Radish Q. 3  In Milan citizens can be fined $100 if they don’t always do what  ? Smile - Not Hospital and Funerals Q. 4  What does the name Barbara mean - from Greek  ? Strange or Foreign

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 299

General Knowledge Q. 1  On any given day half of Americans are on what  ? A special Diet Q. 2  Gondolas in Venice are traditionally what colour  ? Black Q. 3  Benjamin who was the first Lord Mayor of Dublin  ? Guinness Q. 4  What country declared itself first atheist state in 1967  ? Albania – banned religion

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 298

General Knowledge Q. 1  In a recent survey women disliked what part of male body most  ? Feet Q. 2  The US had 5% world population and 70% of worlds what  ? Lawyers Q. 3  In 1902 What did Mary Anderson invent  ? Windscreen Wipers Q. 4  If you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be  ? Stockholm Sweden

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 297

General Knowledge Q. 1  What food Scots once refuse to eat cos it was not in the Bible  ? Potato Q. 2  33% of what are fake in the USA  ? Blondes Q. 3  What holiday islands have no rivers or lakes - rain water only  ? Bermuda Q. 4  If you suffered from Chirospasm what have you got  ? Writers Cramp

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 296

General Knowledge Q. 1  Sport variable ground size 120x150yd min 170x200 max  ? Aussie rules football Q. 2  50% of Dutch men have never done what  ? Flown in a plane 28% fear it Q. 3  If you Absterse something what do you do  ? Clean it Q. 4  Musa acuminata is what favourite food item  ? Banana

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 295

General Knowledge Q. 1  What is the official drink of the state of Ohio  ? Tomato Juice Q. 2  The Russian composer Alexander Borodin had what other job  ? Chemistry Professor St Petersburg Q. 3  18% of animal owners do what with their pets  ? Share beds Q. 4  The UIT govern what sport  ? International shooting union

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 294

General Knowledge Q. 1  In Riverside Cal its illegal to kiss unless both wipe lips with what  ? Rose Water Q. 2  What USA city is also a slang name for a pineapple  ? Chicago Q. 3  What was banned in US movie theatres in the 1920s  ? Popcorn - too noisy Q. 4  If you were performing a fillip what are you doing  ? Snapping Fingers

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 293

General Knowledge Q. 1  By US Congress law 1832 citizens should do what annually  ? Fasting and prayer Q. 2  What book was banned in Ireland in 1932  ? Brave New World – Aldus Huxley Q. 3  In Breton Alabama there is a law against riding what down street  ? Motorboat Q. 4  Who would use a claque  ? Actor - Paid audience clappers

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 292

General Knowledge Q. 1  Gulyas soup is a delicacy in what country  ? Hungary Q. 2  What is the correct name for a Hawaiian Goose  ? Nene Q. 3  In 1845 Boston it was illegal to do what without a doctors note  ? Bathe Q. 4  In James Bonds books what was Dr No's first name  ? Julius

General Knowledge (VSQ) For All Competitive Exams||Set 291

General Knowledge Q. 1  Ismene and Antigone are whose daughters  ? Oedipus Q. 2  Ben Veeren played what character in Arthur Hailey's roots  ? Chicken George Q. 3  Where would you have found Binky Inky Pinky and Clyde  ? Pac Man Ghosts Q. 4  What type of food is Otak Otak in Malaysia  ? Grilled Fish Pate